Events hosted by SJSU at VSA
Photos from all of our events throughout the years can be found on our SMUGMUG
General Meetings
General meetings are held by VSA at SJSU every Thursday at 6PM in WSQ 109. They are held to update our general members about upcoming events, socials, and volunteering opportunities.
Fam Reveal
Fam reveal is an event hosted by the internal vice president and family leaders. Its purpose is to reveal the fams that the new members got drafted into!
ACE Reveal Week
ACE reveal is a week long event where the littles get clues to figure out who their big is. This all leads up to ACE reveal where the littles finally find out who they got paired with!
Friendsgiving is an event hosted by our Co-Event Coordinators to bring all VSA families together. We have a canned food drive donation challenge and enjoy a dinner together while bonding and writing notes to those we're thankful for.
Winter Formal
Our last event of the Fall Semester! Winter Formal invites all members to come dress up, enjoy a dinner, and destress after the barrage of finals.
Culture Show
Culture Show is our big spring production full of dancing, acting, singing, laughter, and tears. All paid SJSU VSA members are encouraged to part take in Culture Show to be apart of something special and fun!
End of the Year Banquet
End of the year banquet is our last event of the spring semester and last event of the school year. This is a chance for our general members to get together for one last time before summer begins!
Spring Roll King
Spring Roll King is our version of a male pageant. Members from VSA's all over NorCal come together to compete in a friendly pageant to represent their schools and win the title of Spring Roll King.